Valentine’s Day 2024 comes loaded with many complicated questions in a world that never stops changing and evolving. To make this Day special, let us turn it into a smooth sailing day with our special ones. In this blog, we will attempt to answer a wheel-within-the-wheel frequently asked question: What is love?
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and a question like: “Why does the world seem to lack love?” is becoming a brain surgery. We will try to figure out why this is the case. Ascertain the significance of Valentine’s Day in 2024 and how we can spend and enjoy it to the fullest. Nevertheless, first, let us bring the meaning of love to light.
What is love?
According to the analysis, tracking tools, and information measurements, over 480,000 people annually seek to comprehend the meaning of love by googling “What is love?”. Those people seek to unravel the secrets of that Pandora’s box called love.
Moreover, when Sigmund Freud delved into his psychological analysis of “What is love?” – he had drawn significantly from the literary works of the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky believed that any love lacking the following is an impossible love that does not exist, points are:
- Woman of dubious reputation
- Deceived third party
- Immense desire for sacrifice for someone undeserving
Yes, it becomes highly complex when we limit it to the love between opposite genders. Philosophers and psychologists argue that love is simple and uncomplicated when it is human-to-human, friend-to-friend, parent-to-kids, etc.
This love does not require complex psychology to understand, eloquent words to express, or many risks and successive attempts to reach the other party and gain their approval.
Love is simple to define

In this blog, like many research studies, we cannot provide a clear and basic concept of love if confined solely to romantic relationships between opposite sex. However, If we broaden the vision to include all types of love in the broader human spectrum, we would instead find it simple to define. Love is a delicious meal at a family gathering, a neighbor lending a hand with groceries, or a coworker offering a ride home.
Do these small gestures need a special day to celebrate?
The answer is yes. It is fitting to make Valentine’s Day a global celebration of love in its broader spectrum. In our contemporary world, we often limit love to the narrow sense of romantic affairs between a man and a woman despite it being the most complex and mature form. Therefore, it is fitting to make Valentine’s Day, February 14, a day to celebrate love in all its kinds.
Valentine’s Day 2024
Now, as love has its Valentine’s Day, what about making this Day a reminder of our humanity, the genuine kindness in every human spirit, and the ability everyone possesses to coexist, love, and respect others? Love is needed most in a world of complexities, troubles, and misfortunes like ours. What could be better than loving each other without expecting anything in return, without an ulterior motive or a target to slay?
Although the calls to consider Valentine’s Day a celebration of love in all its meanings, shades, and forms are not new, today’s world needs this realization more than ever. We are already tethered to our smartphones like a person possessed. The world of social media and platforms has become more lonely than ever. People barely use their mouths to communicate. The time spent together as families, friends, or even casual acquaintances is very short compared to the pre-internet age.
Unique Valentine’s Day

Love, in its broad and deep human sense, does not need a philosophy or psychological analysis to understand and justify; it remains easy and accessible to whoever wants it. Everyone can find someone or something to celebrate on Valentine’s Day. Never think that you need a boy/girlfriend to be entitled to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
You have enough!
If you have a good roommate, a colleague, or even an elderly neighbor, you have enough people to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Many grandparents are waiting for love postcards or flowers. Many parents await a call and a happy Valentine’s Day wish. There will always be someone or something to celebrate their love on Valentine’s Day. Be grateful because you have at least one person close to you who honestly cares for you, whether it’s a parent, a friend, or a companion.
Valentine’s Day 2024
Valentine’s Day for this year comes on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, providing a vast opportunity to remind ourselves that we still have those who love and care for us. So, if you are fortunate to have found the love that Freud and Dostoevsky mentioned earlier, without complications, problems, or risks, make Valentine’s Day this year a day to remember. Show your partner that despite differences or concerns, you love them unconditionally and will do your best to make the relationship successful.

Are you one of the Elite?
And if you are among the elite, not just the fortunate ones, who have found their life partner, and things are going for you like magic without complications, make this day a day made in heaven. Show appreciation for their presence in your life and the time you spend together. When you’re in their company, express that you feel like the most authentic and improved version of yourself.
Remember, gifts always leave a pleasant memory and genuine joy and happiness. But the most profound memory is created with sincere and deep words. Those words act as a lifebuoy amid life’s never-ending storms. A single kind word can be the antidote for someone facing a tough day or going through a crisis.
In conclusion, investigating the meaning of love may need volumes of exposition and analysis. Love extends beyond romantic relationships; it includes familial bonds, friendships, and even self-love. So, enjoy this Valentine’s Day to the fullest. Never too few if you have solely yourself.