
Vanav, the leading Korean skincare device brand, combines galvanic and micro-vibration technology for radiant skin. With added benefits like LED therapy, ultrasonic vibration, and heating therapy, their products offer a comprehensive skincare solution.

For cleansing to Face lifting, Vanav presents the wide range of innovative skincare devices that ensures deep penetration of skincare products, anti-aging benefits and smooth, radiant complexion. Use it with ANY of your skincare products and see the fast & better results for yourself.

As an authorized retailer, Why So Gorgeous guarantees authentic Vanav products, ensuring genuine beauty results.


VANAV UP7 The Multi

AED 1,689
In stock, 5 units


1. What is Vanav's specialty in skincare?

Vanav specializes in combining galvanic and micro-vibration technology to enhance skincare routines for improved results.

2. How does galvanic technology work in Vanav products?

Galvanic technology utilizes electric currents to enhance product absorption, promote circulation, and improve skin’s overall appearance.

3. What are the benefits of micro-vibration technology in Vanav devices?

Micro-vibration technology gently massages the skin, helping to relax facial muscles, improve blood flow, and enhance product penetration.

4. Does Vanav offer LED therapy in their products?

Yes, Vanav products incorporate LED therapy to address various skin concerns such as acne, pigmentation, and aging.

5. Can I use Vanav products with my regular skincare routine?

Absolutely! Vanav devices are designed to complement your existing skincare regimen, enhancing the effectiveness of your products.

6. Are Vanav products safe for all skin types?

Yes, Vanav products are generally safe for all skin types. Vanav galvanic devices have titanium head which is suitable for all skin types.

7. Do Vanav products require any special maintenance?

Regular cleaning and proper storage are recommended for maintaining the effectiveness and longevity of Vanav devices.

8. Who Should Not Use Vanav?

Individuals who fall under the following categories should consult with a medical professional before incorporating Vanav products into your routine.
  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding
  • Active Skin Conditions
  • Open Wounds or Infections
  • Medical Implants
  • Undergoing Medical Treatments
If you have any underlying health concerns or uncertainties, consult with a medical professional before incorporating Vanav products into your routine.
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